May 13, 2008

Earthquake in China

Here is an email I received this morning from the organization that oversees Josiah's home. Josiah is far (based on the map on google, it looks to be at least 1000 miles away) from the epicenter.

Dear Friends,
We have received many emails and calls about the terrible earthquake thatstruck Sichuan and Chongqing yesterday. We have reached the threeorphanages where Half the Sky operates programs: Chengdu, Chongqing and Yibin. All is well. At each place, the children were all evacuated untilthe tremors passed. The buildings suffered no great damage. And no childwas injured.We will reach out to other welfare institutions in the province today. Should we learn of any problems or earthquake-related needs, I’ll postanother note.

Some of you have also written regarding the EV71 hand-foot-mouth virusthat has affected many, particularly young children, in several provinces.The orphanages are taking special precautions and no child in aninstitution has been reported infected. We are monitoring this also.

While Half the Sky exists first and foremost to provide nurturing care andeducation to orphaned children, we are pleased to be in a position to bethe eyes and ears on the ground in China for all of you who have suchconcern for all aspects of the children's welfare. We are so grateful tothose of you who make our presence in China possible.

with love, Jenny

Jenny Bowen
Executive Director
Half the Sky Foundation Print Friendly and PDF

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