Here's where my writing and/or tweets have been featured:
The HerStories Project: Women Explore the Joy, Pain and Power of Female Friendship
Scary Mommy
What to Pack for an Adoption Trip
My Online Friendships are REAL Friendships
I Was Suspended from Twitter
10 Reasons Why I Homeschool
Chicago Parent
Chicago Family Joins Worldwide Great Backyard Bird Count
Mind What You Say to Adoptive Families
Chicago Mom Shares Her Family Christmas Traditions
Chicago Family Volunteers at Hen House
My Daughter Ate Ketchup for Breakfast
Chicago Mom: How I Handled an Uncomfortable (and Hilarious) Situation (the funniest post I've ever written...maybe)
To Disney, or not to Disney, that is the Question
Zack Hunt's The American Jesus: Jim Bob Duggar Just Ain't My Thang
Jon Acuff's Stuff Christians Like: The Upsell Guy at the Christian Bookstore
The Sociable Homeschooler Radio Show with Vivienne Mcninney: Driven to Humor (This is a 30 minute podcast. My portion of the interview begins at 14:45.)
Menopausal Mother: What Does the Word 'Sexy' Mean?
CNNiReport Have a Goofy Dinner Night
Tracy Stella's Finding Your Funny Winner: 10 Totally Awkward Handshakes
Oh Boy Mom: Comparing Notes: Boys vs. Girls...In Fashion
Studio 30+: Is It A Peanut Allergy or Scabies?
Dawn's Disaster: Writing Prompts
Huffington Post Parents - Best Parenting Tweets of the Week
February 15, 2014
February 2, 2014
September 21, 2013
March 30, 2013
March 9, 2013
Modern Mom - Funny Parenting Tweets
February 21, 2014
NickMom Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week
September 20, 2013
August 30, 2013
February 1, 2013
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